确实没必要这么长。You don’t fool people, They fool themselves. 人们都是自欺欺人。骗子渣男活该去当geek。人性还是喜欢残酷的东西。geek真可怜。卡司骗人,让人期待过高而失望。连着看了三部大魔王的片。
喜欢开幕小孩与艾伦的对话,韩吉赴死这两个段落。 完全没必要完结篇还整个前与后,减一星。
There’s nothing like security safety, we thought there was, we want it to be. I’m all alone, nothing is gonna change that, doesn’t matter where I am or who I am with. And it’s good to understand and make peace with that. It’s a sign of strength. Love ends. Relationship ends. People leave, they break up, they divorce.